Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Higher Power of Lucky

By Susan Patron
Winner of the 2007 Newberry Medal

Lucky is a ten year old girl living in the desert of California. Lucky is not your typical ten year old. She is living with her father's first wife because her mother died when she was eight and her father never wanted a kid. Brigitte is from France, and flew into California the day after Lucky's mom died to take care of her. It was supposed to be a temporary arrangement, but they have been living together in Hard Pan for two years and Lucky is constantly worried that Brigitte is going to leave her to go back to France. When Luck finds some hard evidence that Brigitte is leaving, she is forced to take drastic measures to show Brigitte how much she needs her.

I thought this book was very interesting. It definitely lived up to the theme of realistic fiction. I had never heard of realistic fiction being a genre which made me interested in what this book would hold. What I read was the story of a confused ten year old who feels slightly neglected by her family and constantly worried about losing her Guardian. These are real fears for children of in foster care. I like that this book gives those fears a voice. Children in that situation will really relate to Lucky's struggle, and her search to find her higher power. I'd love to see this used in a classroom discussion. It would be a great book for talking about emotions that you don't always read about.

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